Goals & Prayers for the New Year
Although 2021 wasn’t my favorite year, I can’t deny that it was a year of relationship restoration for me. Most of my strained personal relationships received an unexpected refresh from the Lord in the most unconventional ways. Each time I felt that a situation was hopeless, I just brought it to the Lord and sure enough, He always came through in His perfect timing. I’m constantly reminded that God is never late. What we perceive as “delay” is actually just Him working on people’s hearts behind the scenes.
I’ll be honest—entering the new year with these wonderfully restored relationships makes me feel as optimistic as ever. Much of my life still remains in transition, but because my relationships are now healthier than ever, I feel like everything else is a distant second. On that note, I’m reading a life-changing book called, Essentialism, and I can already tell that it’s a book that I would re-read for years to come.
The author, Greg McKeown, defines essentialism as “the disciplined pursuit of less.” In the book, he teaches you how to eradicate the “trivial many” in your life so you can focus on the “vital few.” I was shocked at how many trivial matters I’ve weighed on the same level as the vital few. At the end of the day, I could only consider two things vital: God and people. Yet, my time and attention was dedicated to so many conflicting priorities that I was making very little progress in all of them. I eventually lost the focus that made me successful to begin with. This book gave me the practical next step that I needed to get back on track as a more loving and effective Christian.
This year, I’m going to eradicate as many trivial matters as I can so I could focus on God and people. Here are my goals and prayers for 2022. I hope you’ll join me in this reflection!
Learn how to be a healthy parent.
Read parenting books (any recommendations?)
Get counseling when needed
Take parenting classes
Create a company that gives back to the community.
Disciple more people through creative media.
Dear Heavenly Father, as I seek to unlearn my bad habits and heal from my generational trauma, I pray that you will guide me every step of the way and help me to become a gentle and accepting mother who reflects your heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, as you may already know through our frequent conversations, my heart is to establish a beloved company that blesses your people and brings many into your kingdom. May you give me helpers along the way and strengthen my relationships with friends and partners. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray also that you will help me steward my online influence in a way that brings you great glory. In 2022, I pray that you will allow me to disciple more people through creative media; namely, my writing and storytelling. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Please pray that the world will heal from this virus.
Please pray that God will continue to protect my family and small group.
Please pray that God will use me to expand His kingdom.
Please pray that God will help Jon and I to become the emotionally healthy and Godly parents that our future children deserve.
Do you have any prayers or prayer requests? Please share them in the comments below. Let’s be more vulnerable with each other in the new year!