My Favorite Wellness Drink Recipes!
Ever since my recent health supplement hauls, I’ve been obsessed with wellness drinks, teas and juices. The latest of this obsession has been the taste of elderberries and apple cider vinegar. Flora Health has already made their apple cider vinegar tonics absolutely delicious so there is no need to blend it with anything else, but just in case you’re new to drinking apple cider vinegar, here are some simple and delicious recipes you can try with these yummy wellness tonics!
Even Ollie can’t stop sniffing the wonderful aroma from my elderberry lemonade! Let’s get started with the recipes :)!
Elderberry lemonade
Elderberries are wonderful sources of antioxidants that boost your immune system, so mix it up with some homemade lemonade and you’ve got yourself a delicious, alkalizing tonic for mornings and afternoons!
1 1/2 teaspoons of Elderberry Crystals
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 1/2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of honey
Elderberry Mocktail
Who says wellness tonics have to taste healthy? This mocktail is both delicious and beneficial for your health, so drink away with no guilt whatsoever!
1/2 cup Elderberry-infused Apple Cider Vinegar
10 crushed mint leaves
1/2 cup carbonated water
1 tablespoon honey
Cinnamon Turmeric Latte
Who says you have to drink your wellness tonics cold? This comforting, creamy turmeric latte will help aid your digestion and soothe your soul in the most wonderful way.
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar – Turmeric + Cinnamon
1 cup almond milk
Pinch of dried rosemary
Dash of vanilla extract
2 1/2 tablespoons of honey
Ginger Switchel
If you want to milk that beautiful blend of complex spices in the Ginger + Lemon apple cider vinegar, this is the recipe to sizzle your socks off!
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar – Ginger + Lemon
1/2 cup carbonated water
2 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup
A tiny squeeze of lemon!
I hope you’ll enjoy my favorite wellness tonic recipes! Don’t ever think that health supplements have to be boring for it to be good for you. These yummy tonics from Flora Health should tell you otherwise! Have fun with these recipes and create your own!