Decorating My Bestie's Nursery!

I just decorated my first nursery ever! What a joy to have met Jinnie when she was only 23 years old, and seeing her grow in wisdom, grace, and confidence these past four years. Jinnie is truly the sister I never had, and I’m honored to have decorated her first kids’ nursery.

I met her a few months after I started my Youtube channel, when I was in a season of rest and she was in a season of waiting. Now, four years later, she’s in a season of harvest and I’m in a season of growth. It’s amazing how much our minds, hearts, and souls can evolve each year, and how each of us go through our own seasons. Our lives are like the weather, sometimes it rains and sometimes it shines. But the frequency of the weather is always determined by the seasons that we’re in.

What a beautiful reminder that God is always at work, even when we can't see it. He is present in every season of our lives, from the waiting to the rest to the harvest, and He is faithful to bring us through each one. We can't rush the seasons, but we can rest in knowing that God is always at work behind the scenes, orchestrating something beautiful and transformative. So when the time is right, when the season is ripe, we can look back with gratitude and say, “Through His power, it was done!”


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